December 2017

‘Glasshouses’ Redux’ and ‘namesakes’ by Stuart A. Barnes.

‘Status, Translated’, ‘Found – Thirst’, and ‘Found – Second’ by Ryan Vance.

‘Marriage Test’, ‘You cannot tear a Hammond Organ into 16 parts’, and ‘Dream of the Feather House’ by Stephanie Green.

November 2017

‘Daedalus’, ‘Chips’, and ‘Natural History’ by Terence Dooley.

‘Glass Bubble’ by Maxine Rose Munro.

‘Hamesucken’ and ‘Hut Circles’ by Stewart Sanderson.

October 2017

‘Flint Tool, Papa Westray’ and ‘Annie’s Uncle retires from Dunnett Light and brings his button box accordion to Westray’ by Lydia Harris.

‘Made in Milk’ by James Walton.

‘The Rain’, ‘-30 0’C’, and ‘You, After Brautigan’ by Katherine Lockton.

September 2017

‘After the Fall’, ‘Nature Notes’ and ‘Stalker’ by Paula Jennings.

‘Albums that are Summer’ and ‘Nth Degree’ by Aiden Coleman.

‘Finding the River Horse’ by Neil Leadbeater.

‘Rooftops in August, 2.30 AM’ by Lucas McMillan.

August 2017

‘Ultrasound’ and ‘Alan Kurdi’ by Michael Stephenson.

‘hand of the cloud’ by Lucas Chib.

June 2017

‘Sex / Air travel’, ‘Empty responses never existed’, and ‘Reassure me with pressure’ by Laura Tansley.

‘Afternoon Drama in Tasmania’ by Mark Ryan Smith.

‘Going Gently’ by Irene Cunningham.

Peat Whisky‘ by George Gunn.

May 2017

‘Americans’ and ‘Warhol’ by Nathaneal O’Reilly.

‘Elephant Ride’ and ‘Kerzen Nacht’ by Mark Studin.

‘Descent’, ‘Accounting for Elspeth McQueen, Kirkcudbright 1689’ and ‘Birthday’ by Hugh McMillan.

April 2017

‘Cloud Mastery’, ‘From a Very High Window’, and ‘Where Olav H. Hauge Lived’ by Robin Fulton Macpherson.

March 2017

‘Sun-Dog Express’ by Alex Houen and Geoff Gilbert.

‘Reunion – Our Suburban Lingua’ and ‘Life Savers’ by Rico Craig.

‘A message to be dwelt upon another time’ and ‘Aln Adanthanson/Aaron Anderson’ by Larry D. Thacker.

‘taijitu’ by Sean Wai Keung.

February 2017

‘a window box’ and ‘on ercol’ by Jonathan Coward.

‘Nothing Unbroken’ by Alex McMillan.

‘The Desk’, ‘The Winter-tree in Spring’, and ‘Poem without Words’ by Stephen Keeler.

January 2017

‘Hunger’ and ‘Cellular Communication’ by Tariq Latif.

‘Soldiers’ Graves’ by Eleni Cay.

‘The Callaghan Pilot Light’, ‘Turnfurlong’, and ‘The Grammar’ by Alistair Noon.